Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This blog is not for the dogmatically faint-hearted. It is not intended to change the minds of those who have had their minds set in concrete for millennia.

Whilst this blog will ruthlessly attack those of dark spirit, it is so because there is little hope or chance for most of them to ever see the light. They are not the ones who are being addressed here. Those who chose time after time to dwell into thick matter and the stiff joints that come with it, let them stay there and rot.

This blog is not for those who are dogmatically religious either, such as those who genuinely believe that only followers of one specific code of a specific religion are on the right track while all others are wrong. It is also not meant for those who are incurably atheists or those who adamantly believe that evil does not exist.

This is however an attempt to address those who have doubt in the nonsense they get fed by religions, politics, science, social orders, norms and any other dogma or institution that tries to stifle their minds.

In this blog, we shall look at a great human disease, a disease that manifests itself in different symptoms; the disease of ignorance that is caused by ill-faith. The strange thing about this disease is that sufferers of different symptoms do not see that they have the same disease. In fact, some (depending on what symptom they have) think of others of different symptoms as being inferior, stupid, low-lives, and give them all sorts of derogatory descriptions, when in fact they have exactly the same disease but manifesting itself with different symptoms.

The “attack” will have no fear or favours. If any one will find it discriminatory, any such discrimination will be based on the lack of wisdom element of what is being attacked. Nothing more and nothing less. Even when this lack of wisdom is found in the highest of shrines, it will be addressed and attacked. Political correctness will not find a way into this blog. The word will be said as it is, if it offends some, then be it.

The blogger (yours truly) considers himself to be a simple ordinary person with an inquisitive mind, a mind that searches for answers, a mind that is not prepared to take any BS from any other ordinary human, a mind that endeavours to open up and perceive the ultimate Truth, the Truth of the Divine.

If in time, contributions are received, contributions that will add to the value content of this blog, they will be taken on board. If contributions are only meant to attack and/or defend decayed ideologies, they will be disregarded.

This is a great time of change. What has been covered up for thousands of years will get uncovered and the demons and liars will be exposed and seen naked for all to see.

This blog is not a “new message”, far from it. It is not about launching a new religion either.

A new message is on the way, it will soon be there to find and those who want to hear it will have to take the effort to find it.

This blog is about speaking out after a forced silence; silence that can no longer be held. In speaking out, there is hope that some will listen and start thinking for themselves. Hopefully, this will be a helping step towards liberation.

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